Are You Tired of Searching And Striving?
“…but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:14)
I am conscious that many Christians are weary and tired. Many are exhausted. I mean this spiritually, hence the need for a place to sit down and draw fresh water to revive a weary soul. And many who don’t know Christ are equally spiritually exhausted in their search for truth and life amidst a myriad of voices and choices, all of which have failed to deliver.
So here is a prayer poem for every one of you precious folk;
Today, though you are tired
And your soul is heavy,
whilst your burdens are many
and confusion reigns,
may you be led to the trickling
of the streams that are running,
flowing from the rivers,
from the mountain’s terrains.
As you sit by the streams
may you breathe in the air
that is fresh and sweet
to sweep away your cares.
May you swish your feet
in the cool water flow
and be washed from the world
and it’s heavy, muddy blow.
May your heart be quickened
to follow the streams,
to search with tranquillity
the source of their beams.
As the sunlight splashes
and shows you the way,
may you not strive,
but rather delay
the cares of the world
and its push and its shove,
the lies of self-effort
to live by your own love.
May you find yourself walking
ever so calmly
toward the River
in an atmosphere balmy,
with a spring in your step
and a song in your heart,
find yourself walking
in Someone else’s love.
May you feel His hand
resting light on your shoulder.
May you sense His warmth
permeate you and smoulder
the shame of your past
and the fears for your future,
in the light of Him,
in His perfect character.
May you find yourself lifted,
your shoulders lightened,
your legs at rest
and no longer frightened.
May you know that within
you are being beckoned.
Beckoned and called by
the One who has reckoned.
Who reckoned all things
in His blood that has done it,
that settled the matter
though you’ve not even earned it.
Drink from that stream,
bathe in that river.
Let your head fall back
and be carried hither
by the arms of His Love
in the River of Life.
May you come to know Him
as His Bride, as His wife.
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely. (Revelation 22:17)
Look, I am coming soon! (Rev 22)
5 thoughts on “Are You Tired of Searching And Striving?”
Love this tender poem sister. Xx
She’s a poet! 🙂