The Worthiness of God – Part 2
Continuing from The Worthiness of God Part 1, today I want to explore the shadows and types of Christ in the life of King Solomon (1 Kings: Chapters 1-10) and before he disobeyed God.
- God promised King David his descendants would be on the throne forever. It is Christ who reigns forever on the throne. As was King Solomon, Christ was in the line of King David, the Tribe of Judah.
- Solomon was given wisdom from God and is still known as the wisest man who ever lived. Christ IS wisdom -We now have this wisdom of God in Christ, as He dwells in us, His church.
- God gave King Solomon riches beyond belief! Christ has in Him all that the Father has – ‘It pleased the Fullness to dwell in Him’- His riches are unsearchable!
- Solomon fulfilled the love his father David had for God – Christ fulfilled the love of the Father for the world by giving His life!
- Solomon built a man-made temple for God to dwell in on earth. Christ made a more worthy temple for God to dwell in on earth, which is His church, us believers- the mystery revealed which is Christ in us!
- Solomon’s temple was in Jerusalem City, the City of David. Christ’s temple is the church, the body of Christ, the bride, the building, the Holy City, The New Jerusalem
- Solomon prepared all the stones off-site before bringing them onto the building site. Christ prepares all the living stones (us) to be built into the House of God (the Church) –
- There was no ‘building’ done in the temple; it was all prepared off-site and then laid in position with no sound or noise at the temple building site. We have been made perfect IN CHRIST, and Christ is our Foundation, Cornerstone, Capstone and the Master Architect
- The temple was a place of sacrifice and worship – we, as the new temple of God, have become His dwelling place where we offer our bodies as LIVING sacrifices which is our TRUE act of worship.
- Just as the temple was inlaid with gold which reflected God’s perfect glory over the stone and wood, we have become the holiness and righteousness of God in Christ Jesus -. God’s life has been given to us IN CHRIST – refined as pure gold, which is the work of God.
- Just as the priest of the day entered the ‘holy of holies’ to minister to God Himself, we have been given a spirit and God’s spirit where we meet Him face to face to minister to Him – We are now given access through Christ to draw near to God. Jesus is our High Priest.