What Does Jesus Want us to Pray For?

What Does Jesus Want us to Pray For?

Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:36-28) I want to pass on the great news that the eBook format of Derek’s book, Wanted: Workers for the Work of God, is available for only $0.99c globally (on Amazon)…

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What is the Value of the Nails?

What is the Value of the Nails?

Although His heart and will were already there, the hammering of those nails into Jesus’ hands and feet was what kept Him physically on that cross. Without that hammering, He could not have remained there. And if He hadn’t remained on that cross, there would have been no salvation for humanity and the whole earth, no resurrection, hope, or restoration of God’s eternal purpose. And so, all the hammering of nails in our lives, the agitations, the despairing disappointments, the…

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What Does it Mean to Stand?

What Does it Mean to Stand?

Recently something very bad happened. It was my worst nightmare come true, the very thing I would have dreaded most in the world. After my initial moments of shock and panic, by the grace of God and the support of Derek, I turned to the Lord, declared that He is good and thanked Him for using this situation for my good and that of the concerned parties. I meant it by faith, certainly not by my feelings. I instantly sensed…

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Do You Want a Better Life?

Do You Want a Better Life?

You, LORD, are greater than the greatest wickedness, than the greatest evil; You are always greater. Evil has been intentionally weaving its plan for destruction for many decades. It has been placing itself in our parliaments and governments to influence policies to cause the breakdown of society in order to weaken the nations. Its intent is to ultimately overcome the nations under the rule of wickedness, and there is no doubt as to the nature of these things. But the…

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Where are the Workers?

Where are the Workers?

I’m posting this again because mysteriously, my site disappeared yesterday. So in case you only got a 503 error code screen when you opened it, here it is again. Apologies if you already read it. Here’s the post … Early last Spring, I was on my morning walk, which took me through an expansive patch of clover. It took my thoughts straight back to my childhood days when, as kids, we were constantly dodging the bees as they buzzed from…

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Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 3

Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 3

If you’ve missed them, you can click on the links here to read Part 1 and Part 2. Today’s post, which continues this series intermittently among other posts, focuses on Jesus as Light. What a glorious light, a marvellous light, a heavenly light! In the beginning, God said, ‘Let there be light’. And all things came into being through Him. Jesus boldly and humbly exclaimed of Himself, ‘I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not…

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Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 2

Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 2

Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 1 focused on the title and aspect of Jesus as the Word of God. Shortly after posting, a number of Scriptures came to mind in relation to this, which led me to read through Psalm 119. As I meditated on that Psalm, I could see Jesus, the Word of God, everywhere. For example, Your word, O LORD, is everlasting; it is firmly fixed in the heavens. (Ps 119: 89) Your word…

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Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 1

Are You Ready to Discover More of Jesus? Part 1

In this post, it is my delight to spend some time simply writing about Jesus. I hardly know Him, though, it’s true. But I know just enough to be enamoured with Him. Yet, I may not always feel that way; sometimes, I feel a thousand miles away from Him because feelings come and go, but that makes no difference. In my heart of hearts, in my identity as a child of God, in my spirit, I am absolutely enamoured with…

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How’s your spiritual diet?

How’s your spiritual diet?

Why did God limit food for the Israelites (manna and quail) while they were in the wilderness? Because this was a time of testing. Nothing tests us quite like a restriction on our dietary intake. Take fasting, as the perfect example. When we fast for the Lord, we go through many phases, and depending on the length of the fast, we will go in and out of these phases. I’m sure there are others you could think of to add…

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Should Christians Try The Carnivore Diet?

Should Christians Try The Carnivore Diet?

Just shy of six weeks ago, I started on the carnivore diet for personal reasons. This diet is classified as an elimination diet, as it eliminates everything else but meat or animal products. That means no greens, fruit, veggies, grains, and potentially no dairy. When I use the word diet, I’m not talking about a weight loss program, I’m talking about the kind of food we eat. For example, a low-fat diet, a vegan diet, a low carbohydrate diet, a…

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