There is Peace in the Eye of the Storm

Dear Brother or Sister,
If you feel like you’re in a storm right now, here is a link to what seems to me to be a very anointed song by a dear sister in Christ and a dear friend of mine.
The song will cost $1.79 AUS to purchase but I don’t post this to get sales for her (Kathy’s album has been out for over a year).
Rather I post this in the hope that you will find great peace, comfort and strength as the Lord ministers to you through this vessel of our dear sister, through His gift of music and words, by His most Holy Spirit who lives and dwells in you and me.
Never Will I Leave You – by Kathryn Mary Johnston
Lyrics to Never Will I Leave You
The Lord is my shepherd
I have everything I need
He leads me to the water
and into pastures green
Never will I leave you
Never will I forsake you
You’ll hear a voice behind you
Saying this is the way, walk here
You’ll have no need to worry
You will have no need to fear
There is peace in the eye
in the eye of the storm