Jesus our Dayspring
God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.
I am always amazed when something I have read so many times in the bible, and revelations I have read from other authors, finally become life to me.
This morning Jesus revealed Himself to me afresh as the ‘Light of the World’. I woke to my usual onslaught of thoughts that do not originate with me, but rather by their very nature, clearly come from the enemy who is ever at large.
I praise the Lord for bringing His wisdom and insight to recognise that this onslaught was from ‘another place’ and so I was encouraged by the Lord to ‘bring every thought captive unto Christ‘ which I did, in faith.
As a result, the Lord lifted me, my mood was lightened, my thoughts were lightened as though elevated out of the muddy waters of accusation and confusion and into fresh sunshine, placed on dry land where they could bathe in the glory of His light.
The Lord drew my thoughts then, as He is able, to the reality that just as in the beginning of all creation, so He is now! My attention was drawn to Genesis Chapter 1, verses 2 and 3.
“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
Jesus revealed to me in this moment, that this formless, empty darkness is a shadow of the state that we were in before Christ entered the world as the Light. He truly was and is the Light of the world.
Jesus is called the Dayspring, which I always thought was a ‘spring’ but now understand He is the one who ‘springs’ the day into being! Glory, hallelujah! He separates the light from the darkness! (Genesis 1:4)
After every ‘night’ there comes a ‘Dayspring’ – the sun rises in the natural to remind us of the continuing light and revelation of Christ always delivering us from the darkness.
All praise to You our Heavenly Father who, through Jesus Christ Your Son, have delivered us from the darkness and into the light of Your love and life.
May we all continue to walk in the light as He is in the light.