He Did It Again
Hi all,
This is just a short post-it-note really, to keep in touch until I get internet connected from our NEW HOME!
That’s right folks, God has delivered and provided for us and blown us away AGAIN!
I can hardly wait to write what The Lord has done over these past weeks and these past days and even hours. He NEVER ceases to amaze me.
Until then however, thank you to all you dear brothers and sisters who have prayed for us to find a new home suitable for my mother and in time.
We moved in 3 days ago to the perfect house for our needs and with added blessings on top of course!
I hope to post over the next week or so, the glorious ways we have been privileged to see our Lord through this experience, not only as a family nucleus but in His church body.
Write soon,
In Him who is our Eternal Home!!