Christ As Our View
This is the view from the patio out back of our place. The mulberry tree has lost its leaves at present, so that’s it looks all yellow.
Most mornings when I get out of bed I make my breakfast and go and sit outside. I’ve always done this. Even if it’s raining, so long as it’s not cold and windy. At the very least, I need a window by which to sit and stare outside. There’s just something about being outside and starting my day with a long, slow, gaze into the openness of the outdoors.
Some mornings I will sit there literally for hours, reading, talking with God, singing, receiving and sending encouragements in the Lord with the saints here via ‘WhatsApp’ on my phone. Rocky is usually sprawled across my lap which makes supping on my cup of tea a little difficult, but it’s a special time, and it really sets off the tone of my day.
This past week our church group decided to focus on the theme of Beholding The Lord. So this morning a sister sent through this definition;
Behold – verb. see or observe someone or something, especially of remarkable or impressive nature. Synonyms: view, watch, survey, gaze at, gaze upon, stare at, witness, regard, contemplate, inspect, catch sight of, discern, pay heed to, lay eyes on…
As I meditated on those words – contemplate, survey….view…..I was reminded of how important it is to me to have a view to look at. In every house I’ve ever lived in as an adult, I have sought the Lord’s provision of a view. It hasn’t had to be a magnificent oceanfront or mountain range, though He has spoiled me with these at times. Even just a couple of trees will do and some open sky. I just have to have somewhere to sit outside where I can look off unto something.
This got me thinking. What am I looking for? Why is having a ‘view’ so important to me?
Well, it gives me a perspective that is outside of myself. When it’s dark and dingy inside the house because of either the way it is built without natural light or because of the weather, I can look outside and see openness. I’m comforted and consoled somehow, that there is something bigger and greater than my interior world inside of the house.
This of-course applies to my internal world. Having a perspective of something outside of, greater and more vast than me, is an enormous soothing comfort. And of-course, that something is a Someone. It is Jesus Christ.
I feel that if I were to live in a house without a view, something in me would die. I feel I couldn’t do it.
I see that as a picture of my growing desperation and need to behold the Lord. I need to be able to see Him every morning. I need to look and gaze into His face, His vastness, His endlessness. I need to contemplate His bigness, His openness, His enormity. When I do that, I am comforted, strengthened, rested – simply because I see Him! If I cannot see Him, I feel something inside me will die. I feel I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t go on. Life would become dark and dingy, internal and introspective with no Light.
Since Derek and I are moving to the other side of the country in December, I am already praying for a house with a view.
However, I have to realise that Christ is my view regardless of where I may live physically. He is the eternal vastness and wide open space that my soul longs for in the darkness of the winter seasons. He is the far reaching heights up into an eternal sky where I can soar on His heights. He is the greenery, the oxygen, the shade, the colour, the breeze, the Life of Creation all around me. He is the wideness, the depth, the enormity of God.
Wherever we live brothers and sisters, whether it’s in a humpy, in a 1 bedroom studio blocked in by tall apartment complexes and no natural sunlight coming in, or on a mountain top with views that go on forever, Christ is our View. He is our perspective. He is our vantage point. He is the One we gaze upon and survey. In Him we roam a vast land, flowing with milk and honey. Our boundaries have fallen in pleasant places in Christ and no man can adjust our view or take that away from us. Christ is our All.
So I pray you will enjoy the View that is Christ in your life today dear brother and sister. Behold Him all the day long. On the train, in the car, boxed in your office, running after your kids or while out on the tractor – behold Him, gaze at Him, stare at Him, watch Him, contemplate Him, inspect Him, survey Him, lay your eyes upon Him. 🙂
2 thoughts on “Christ As Our View”
Fixing our eyes on Jesus – the author and perfector of our faith! Hebrews 12:2
Amen brother!