How Far Did Jesus Go?
In the 1980’s a band known as The Proclaimers had a hit called 500 Miles. They sang “Well I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more, just to be a man who’d walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door…da da da…” It was a type of love song telling of a man’s devotion to a woman.
Well, Derek and I just drove 5003 k’s to get to our current destination in Perth, WA (Western Australia) and set up camp amongst the body of saints here. We’ve come a long way to be with this part of the Lord’s Bride, that’s for sure. But how far did Jesus go for His Bride (you and me)? 500 miles? 5000 k’s? What about ‘into time’ and into ‘another realm’? Now that’s a love song of devotion to a woman that’s worth ‘proclaiming’!
Thinking back to the band called The Proclaimers, like anyone who’s fallen in love with Jesus Christ and His gospel, Derek and I want to be proclaimers of another kind. We want to proclaim this glorious Lord to His church and to those who do not know Him. That’s why I write this blog as I am learning Christ more. That’s why we have come to Perth, to learn Christ more. How little I have known Him and how much there is of Him to explore – so much that it will take all of eternity!
Driving across Australia we realised the vastness of the land in which we live. At one point across the Nullarbor (land of no trees) there is a stretch of about 146.6 kilometres of dead straight road with nothing either side as far as the eye can see. It is flat, flat, flat. For us, this entire journey has been a reflection of the vastness of Christ Himself. We see Christ as our Land, our True Land, our Promised land, our Canaan Land and of course this is exactly who He is for all who will take up their cross and follow Him.
The land here has often looked very barren, dry and sparse. There’s a water shortage across much of the land. There were many wild goats in the early parts of the outback in NSW and we came across one standing by a water tank just waiting for some human to come along and run the tap for a drink. Derek was able to do this and the little guy got a good drink before heading back into the bush. It was a great picture of desperation for drink.
But we have learned to drink from Him, the Well of Living Water, and never thirst again. Our spiritual trek across Australia has made drawing from Him as our Well an even greater reality in ways that I hope to share with you.
There’s so much to write about on this blog concerning even just the last few weeks leading up to and during our travels across, of how the Lord has miraculously and effortlessly made the way for us to arrive here. I am looking forward to meditating on these things and sharing them with you very soon because there’s always so much of the Lord to be proclaimed.
However, for now this is just a little note to touch base from our new dwelling here in Perth and proclaim the Lord’s greatness by reminding you of His love and devotion to you, members of His most favoured and beautiful woman – His betrothed and glorious Bride, the Church.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone…(Hebrews 2:9)
He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.(Eph 5:27)
2 thoughts on “How Far Did Jesus Go?”
‘Christ is our … promised land…’ Imho a huge truth, missed by many (even sincere) believers. I’ve been reflecting much on that of late, in my thinking and writing. Thanks Donnalee and the Lord’s guidance and blessings for you both as you settle in your new abode.
Thank you for your encouragement Erroll and your prayers. Yes, He is the Land of Abundance for sure.