


G’day folks!

I’m Donna Batty and thank you for dropping by.

Derek (the one who gave me my wonderful surname) and I have been married since 2008 and we currently live in New South Wales, Australia.

Although ‘giving my heart to Jesus’ at the age of 6 in 1973, it’s only been since about 2012 that I have truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, who He is today, this glorious living Lord who expresses Himself in and through His people. I am thoroughly enjoying getting to know Him still and will never get to the end of Him of-course, His riches are truly unsearchable!

Derek and I had been ‘called out’, if you will, from religion in the form of institutional/traditional type christianity since around 2003 and eventually into what we can now best describe as an ‘organic’ expression of Christ, in His body.  We have been so blessed to experience authentic body life since the end of 2012 and especially since 2017 during our years living in Western Australia, Perth.

As a result, the unfolding revelations of Jesus Christ as Head of His Church, both humble and astound me and He is so big that I can hardly believe it and just have to share it. It’s like the line in an old Larry Norman song, “When you know a wonderful story, you don’t let it go unsaid”. This desire of mine is expressed in my page titled “Drawing From The Well” on the main menu.  To read about the true inspiration behind this blog site, please go there.

Thank you for joining me and I hope you are touched by the Lord’s life in what is shared here.

And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.

Colossians 1:27 NLT

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