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Tag: Peace

What I’ve Learned About Essential Oils

What I’ve Learned About Essential Oils

Recently I looked into essential oils. It came about because of a documentary on Netflix or Stan I think. It was very interesting and sparked my curiosity. I was considering getting something to help my mum with her sundowner condition and got in touch with a sweet lady I know who is right into essential oils. She put me onto some information and to my amazement I discovered there’s a whole world of people out there who are all about…

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How Can One Have Peace In This?

How Can One Have Peace In This?

How can one have peace when facing cancer? How can one have peace when a loved one is hurting? How can one have peace when alone and isolated? How can one have peace when homeless? How can one have peace when separated from loved ones? How can one have peace when misunderstood? How can one have peace when all seems lost and overwhelming? How can one have peace when all capacity to meet one’s needs is removed? How can one…

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