Rest Even When It Seems Impossible
Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from Him.
Truly He is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God ;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge.
(Psalm 62:5-8)
Sometimes my soul is very noisy. It is sometimes easily rattled. I can always tell because I get this gnawing feeling that something has disturbed my inner peace and there’s no obvious reason for it. At that time I have to stop what I’m doing and turn my spiritual eyes to the Lord Jesus and behold Him in my spirit as gazing into a mirror.
I don’t want to be easily rattled, I want to remain in the ascendency of the spirit with my soul submitted to the Spirit of God at all times, don’t you? It’s so much better there.
I thank You Lord that at any moment of any day or night, I can turn inward to You, seek Your face and there find rest and quietness for my soul.
You are ever available to me. You have made Yourself truly as a spring of living water that bubbles up inside of me. You speak from within, Your word rises within me and washes over me, refreshing and cleansing.
Your Word is life to me, for Jesus, You are the Word and You are the Life. Your life never ends in me, it begets life again and again. Your stream is endless and has no limit to its depths. It truly is as a fountain.
You are deeper than the oceans and higher than the highest of heights above heights. O Lord, one glance toward You and I am returned to rest.
Exalting the Lord is a powerful thing. When we exalt Him by proclaiming out loud who He is to all the powers of the air, that Spring of Living Water comes bursting forth.
One thing that always encourages my heart toward the Lord and enables me to exalt Him, is to hear it through others. This happened for me recently. I was reading through some comments made on another believer’s blog and the reader went from commenting on the content to exalting the Lord! Oh how my spirit was lifted and my gaze turned toward Christ! And right there I was washed in His spring and my soul was rested.
I pray that your spirit is lifted today friend and that your soul finds rest in Him alone 🙂
Come, glorify the Lord with me, let us exalt His name together (Ps 34:3)
2 thoughts on “Rest Even When It Seems Impossible”
Greetings Donna,
Excellent post! Can’t get this stuff in a seminary class room.
Closing the door to thoughts, words and desires, as we lovingly and quietly turn inward away from ourselves, unto Christ, as God’s living Rest, seems impossible to us, apart from submitting to the process of His grace.
For example, I don’t need to first do a study on the science behind sleeping in order to go to bed after a hard day at work. I simply yield to the sleep process by laying down and closing my eyes. Proof that I successfully submitted to the process is that I wake up fully rested. May we ever cooperate with and never frustrate the grace of God in relation to entering into His rest in Christ.
Oh J, such encouragement! And what a great analogy in going to sleep. Love it!!!