The Voice

The Voice


Hi brothers and sisters,

There’s so much attention and media time given these days to singing and the worship and elevation of those who sing. Our televisions are filled with shows like American/Australian Idol, Australia/Brittain’s Got Talent and The Voice. I must admit, I’m pretty sick of it. But there is a different kind of singing that thrills me and it clearly delights the Lord’s heart immensely.

I’ve just been reflecting on some words some saints put to the old familiar tune of “Oh What a Beautiful Morning” and I see something beautiful of the Lord’s oneness with His church, His bride, come through in the words. Sometimes it helps us to capture the Spirit in the words of a song if we actually remove the tune so if you’re not familiar with the tune thats ok!

The words are addressed to a corporate gathering of saints and go like this…..


Holy ones (that’s us),  do you hear when we’re singing it’s the voice of the Lord we are bringing?

He gave us His life that we might be His wife

And as she is singing she hears His reply…..

“Oh what a beautiful woman”! 


Read it a couple more times.

What I saw in these words is the oneness of the Bride with her Bridegroom. That as she (corporate expression of His life) sings His praises, it is His life that indwells her and sings through her! The Lord is actually glorifying Himself through the praises of His people! Wow! And to the shame of the powers and authorities in heavenly realms.

As if thats not enough to meditate on for weeks! But what really caught the attention of my spirit in these words is that as we, the corporate body and bride of Christ, sing His praises together something wonderful happens. With our spiritual sense of hearing, that is in our spirit, we hear the Lord loving and adoring His bride! We hear Him singing “Oh! What a beautiful woman!”

Now isn’t that just the most wonderful and the closest relationship anyone could ever imagine?

“…He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17.

Oh! What a wonderful Lord!! He’s The Voice! He’s Eternity’s Idol!



2 thoughts on “The Voice

  1. We were gathered with some saints in Texas recently when a couple visited us. This was one of the songs we sang that morning, and after singing, the wife spoke in awe. She said that she had never heard so many songs about the Bride of Christ. She was used to singing about herself and how she was praising the Lord. To sing about a corporate Bride and declare who the Bridegroom is thrilled her to no end. It was a joy to hear and see the Lord work right there in our midst! It was also a reminder of how uncommon it is to hear The Voice.

    Thanks for sharing, sister!

    1. Oh that is so encouraging RC, I know how that sister feels! It is like finding a diamond in a quarry. I am so blessed and encouraged in seeing the Lord Jesus and His true church through the words of the songs that you American brothers and sisters have put together. It is beyond words! 🙂

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