The Kindness of The Good Master
Once we were slaves to sin and to this world. We were born into sin. We were enslaved, in bondage, held as captives and unable to free ourselves. But 2000 years ago a man who was both Son of Man and Son of God, came to us and set us free.
He loosed our chains; they fell off. He broke off our shackles. He washed us clean and healed our wounds. He removed the veil from our eyes. Then He said to us “It is for freedom’s sake that I set you free” and “Whom the Son sets free is free indeed”.
Captivated by Him, His beauty, His glory, His splendour, His love, His compassion, His kindness – we knew that to have freedom apart from Him would be no freedom at all. We saw the kindness and mercy of the Good Master, and we willingly gave up our freedom which was no real freedom at all, to make ourselves His bond servants. We wanted to be with Him forever. We dedicated our lives to Him. Where else could we go? Where else would we go? For He held and still holds the words of Life.
“Thou hast set us free, Master. Now we belong to Thee”.