What is the ‘Worst Case Scenario’?
Our worst case scenario can be God’s best case scenario.
When Caleb saw the giants in the land promised to them, he said this;
“Only rebel not against Jehovah, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is removed from over them, and Jehovah is with us: fear them not.” (Numbers 14:9 ASV)
The way through the cross is by embracing it.
We fear because we are trying to avoid suffering.
If we are walking in the Spirit (abiding in Christ), if we are in God’s will and our circumstances are looking grim, instead of driving ourselves into a helpless place by our efforts to make things work out in our favour, we can remember this; he who holds onto his life will lose it and he who loses his life for My sake will find it (Matthew 10:39). We have been crucified with Christ, we are dead. Christ is the one living now in us.
The helpless situation we are in is a gift to us from our loving God to form Christ in us. So instead of driving ourselves into a nervous breakdown by trying to avoid the worst case scenario that is far beyond our ability to affect, we can accept it as a cross from the Lord who loves us, and trust Him implicitly to care for us in whatever comes our way. It is our opportunity to know Him and the power of His resurrection and to fellowship in His suffering. It is a precious and dear gift to us in going deeper with the Lord. We can say “Thank You Lord!”
We need to remember in these times when we have something good that is being threatened, we can do one of two things. We can go crazy trying to hold onto it or we can embrace the cross in the form of the threat of loss and let it continue to do a beautiful deep work of God in our lives.
One of the greatest tests and challenges to us is when we have something to lose. This is also part of God’s work in us. When we have given up everything material, relational and financial to follow Christ we have not much left to lose and it can be an easier existence. The trials change once He blesses us with success, material possessions and income, because then we have something to lose.
To have these things threatened is then an even deeper going down and into what the Lord has taught and wrought in us before. Where He has taken us in Him before, He takes us again deeper. Hence, we can praise God with a genuine heart of thanksgiving. And in doing so, find that the yoke He has given is easy and the burden He has blessed us with is light.
7 thoughts on “What is the ‘Worst Case Scenario’?”
Thank you. ❤
I needed to hear that – very timely. Many thanks Donna.
I needed it too brother. In Him.
Donna, I agree that there are definitely times and seasons to embrace suffering as the members of Christ’s body in identification with His headship. Suffering, as ordained by the hand of God, helps us to be conformed into the image of God’s Son. However, there are also times to discern and to resist what doesn’t come from the hand of God; especially those things that are an affront to what Christ took to the cross on our behalf. It’s like the difference between discipline and abuse. The first is meant to help keep us from destroying ourselves, while the second is intended to destroy us instead.
Because God is love,” love bears all things” that He would bear-but not the things He doesn’t. Angie and I have been under heavy attack by a very real enemy. An enemy of Christ, His cross and His body. To mistake the iron fist of Satan for the hand of God in our situation would allow the devil to remain undetected while giving Father God a bum rap. Such a mistake could result in a worst case scenario indeed.
This is simply presenting a balance to what you have beautifully shared. We love and appreciate you and Derek in Him.
Thank you so much for bringing this balance brother. What you say is so true. I was writing on a much lighter level, definitely as you identified in your first paragraph
“…there are definitely times and seasons to embrace suffering as the members of Christ’s body in identification with His headship. Suffering, as ordained by the hand of God, helps us to be conformed into the image of God’s Son”
I definitely agree that discernment is paramount in our walk for us to know the hand that is dealing with us, therefore how to pray, to rise to our identity in Christ, for the church to be mature and effective in God’s hands, as the Overcomer overcomes in us.
When the enemy does come against us, as he is coming against you, the assurance and security we have is that Jesus Christ is sovereign over all realms, as you know.
No doubt you guys are desperately clinging to our Lord through what you’re experiencing and your dependence is utterly upon Him and Him alone. Watchman Nee once wrote that during certain times all he could pray/proclaim was that Jesus is Lord, Jesus Is King and Jesus is Victor. A powerful proclamation indeed. There have been many times when that has been my only prayer for a long time and it didn’t ‘feel’ powerful when I said it but it was true then and forever and that’s the power we have isn’t it, it is the reality of this Christ who is sovereign over that fallen angel. And Christ is definitely all those powerful and very real things for you , and over you guys, over your lives.
Our very real prayers for you at this time are guaranteed. We love you both very much in our ever sovereign Lord. I stand with you both now as I declare over you both that Jesus is Lord, Jesus is King, Jesus is Victor.
Thank you so very much, Sister. We, too, lift you both before our Lord with fervent and effectual prayers. Because Christ is the body and the body is Christ, His members, by His life, must minister to and for one another.
Amen and amen brother.