Is Your Time With The Lord Dry? There’s Hope!
Are you needing to touch the Lord in a new and fresh way? Is your time with Him dry? Do you feel like you just can’t break through? Has the scripture become just ink on paper to you? Well, there’s hope!
Using the scripture to behold (gaze into) the Lord can be just like opening all the windows and doors in your house when it’s been stuffy and closed in. It’s like letting the fresh breeze, the fragrance of blossoming flowers, the sound of the birds singing and the light and warmth of the sun flood into that house! It’s like springtime after the winter has gone!
We can experience the same thing spiritually. Instead of reading some scriptures with our mind to intellectually understand them in context and meaning (there is a time for that too), we can actually take some scriptures to meditate on the Lord, to breathe Him in and adore Him in it and well, this can be life-changing. Literally life changing!
Psalm 136 is really a testimony by the writer of what God had done and who He is. I love to imagine Jesus actually speaking Psalm 136 about His Father and declaring His goodness, love and mercy. I imagine Him joyously shouting out this testimonial with a great beaming smile on His face as He is reflecting on their history together and what He has witnessed and knows of the wonder and love of His God and Father.
Well, below is my ‘personalised’ take on Psalm 136. It could go on for pages and pages with bunches of personal accounts and intimate details, but I have kept it relatively simple for the sake of this post. It is something that rose in my heart this morning.
So, what’s your personalised take on Psalm 136? Why don’t you write down your own version? And read it aloud to the Lord? You could do it alone relating it to your personal history and experiences with God, or you could even do it as a couple or a group together, relating to the history you have walked through with the Lord corporately. And share it to His glory, to His praise! What a wonderful story you have to tell!
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good! All the time!
His love endures forever.
Give praise to Him who has overcome this world
His love endures forever.
Give honour and glory to the One who lives and reigns and is sovereign over all realms
His love endures forever.
He lifted us out of the miry clay and set our feet upon a Rock
His love endures forever.
He has delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the Light of His Life
His love endures forever.
He has loved us with an eternal, everlasting love.
His love endures forever.
He has not forgotten us but has adopted us into the Sonship of Christ Jesus, His only Begotten
His love endures forever.
He has been pleased to reveal His Son in us
His love endures forever.
Surely goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives!
His love endures forever.
He has brought us into His banqueting table and His banner over us is love!
His love endures forever.
No longer are we taught by men but taught by God Himself!
His love endures forever.
He is taking us on from glory to glory.
His love endures forever.
He has delivered us from ourselves and crucified us to this world and it to us
His love endures forever.
He took our sin and nailed it to the cross
His love endures forever.
He has raised us up in Christ Jesus and seated us with Him in heavenly places
His love endures forever.
For we were chosen in Him since before creation to be made holy and blameless in His sight
His love endures forever.
No longer are we slaves to this world but bond servants of Christ Jesus
His love endures forever.
He is our daily supply of all spiritual blessings
His love endures forever.
He has saved us and He has kept us
His love endures forever.
He abides in us and has become our Life!
His love endures forever.
He has revealed Himself in the sun and the moon
His love endures forever.
He has made Himself known to us in many songs
His love endures forever.
All creation speaks of His wondrous wisdom and qualities
His love endures forever.
He has brought us out of captivity and into the liberty of His glorious Son
His love endures forever.
He has shown us His bride and she is lovely
His love endures forever.
He has captivated our hearts and set us free
His love endures forever.
He has unveiled our face that we might see Him and know Him intimately
His love endures forever.
The life of His Son endures and perseveres in us
His love endures forever.
He has made known to us the mystery that was hidden for ages past
His love endures forever.
He has delivered us from ruin and been the lamp unto our feet
His love endures forever.
To His kindness and compassion there is no end
His love endures forever.
Surely, we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!
His love endures forever.
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him
His love endures forever.
We have seen the glory of the coming of our King!
His love endures forever.
We will reign with Him forevermore and there is no end to the increase of His Kingdom!
His love endures forever.
2 thoughts on “Is Your Time With The Lord Dry? There’s Hope!”
Excellent post Sis! Like uncharted waters, the eternality of the scriptures in relation to our fellowship with the Godhead can’t be underscored enough. Thank you.
We love and appreciate you. His ultimate best to you and Derek in Christ Jesus.
And our love always, back to you guys. Thank you brother, praying your lives are filled with Him today!