Somebody Bigger than You and I
Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! (Psalm 147:1 NASB)
We have a wonderful Lord, worthy always of our praise!
In a time when life is complex and difficult, and even matters of faith are getting confusing, it is important to be reminded of the simplicity and comfort of our faith. We need reminding again, of who is in charge. We need to see afresh, that our God, our Jesus, is greater than everything else. Sometimes, we can wind up thinking we have to run this race alone, that the buck stops with us. How comforting and wonderful, to know somebody bigger than you and I.
This morning an old song came to mind, one that I have not heard in many years. It was written by songwriters: Sonny Burke / Hy Heath / Johnny Lange in 1960, I believe. Some of you will be familiar with it. I pray it touches you today. I pray it lifts your gaze towards the greatness, sovereignty, and reality of this God in whom we believe, namely, Jesus Christ, our Lord.