What is the Value of the Nails?

What is the Value of the Nails?

Although His heart and will were already there, the hammering of those nails into Jesus’ hands and feet was what kept Him physically on that cross. Without that hammering, He could not have remained there. And if He hadn’t remained on that cross, there would have been no salvation for humanity and the whole earth, no resurrection, hope, or restoration of God’s eternal purpose. And so, all the hammering of nails in our lives, the agitations, the despairing disappointments, the sorrows and trials, is to keep us embracing the cross. It is to perpetuate that life of self-denial so that we and the cross become one, to the end that Christ is formed in us, that we stand in the Sonship of our Lord, that we know what it is to live by the power of His resurrection.



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