What Does Jesus Want us to Pray For?

What Does Jesus Want us to Pray For?

Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:36-38)

I want to pass on the great news that the eBook format of Derek’s book, Wanted: Workers for the Work of God, is available for only $0.99c globally (on Amazon) for a short time.

This book was born out of a prayer time together after reading the above verse from Matthew. As Derek emphasises in the book, this is the only scriptural record of Jesus instructing people on what to pray for other than teaching them how to pray. These are truly significant words from Jesus.

Think about it. Jesus looked out over crowds of people flocking to Him in great need of healing and deliverance. The world around us in our time is full of need. Full of suffering, sickness, deception, poverty, possession, oppression, depression and fear, and turning to anything and anybody in hope of an answer. Seeing them as like sheep with no one to follow who would tenderly lead and care for them, His heart was moved. His response may have seemed peculiar, considering their great need.

Yet, His immediate response was to exhort His disciples to pray for workers! He said the workers are few, and this was obviously of enough concern, as He looked at the crowd, that He advised them to pray. He knew what they really needed, and that was workers! Amazingly, the very ones He charged to pray would be the answer to that prayer.

Personally, neither Derek nor I believe the need has changed or that the Lord’s direction on praying for workers has changed. We both believe His instruction is still the same because the need is still the same.

If something about this has stirred you in your spirit, and if you want to investigate this high priority that Jesus expressed that day further, here is your opportunity to purchase and download Wanted: Workers for the Work of God at practically no cost. I cannot recommend or encourage you enough to do so… while the harvest awaits.

Click on the image to go to the Australian store, or go to Amazon in your country.



4 thoughts on “What Does Jesus Want us to Pray For?

    1. It is very encouraging to hear that the Lord has placed this on your heart so deeply right now — a wonderful demonstration of the same Spirit shared by His body members. Sending our love to you all in SA.

  1. Amen! Great insight. It should be noted that Derek’s book (like Jesus’s prayer) is not yet one more call for yet more people to become missionaries and pastors. Something other than these two functions is desperately needed. Most folks are not even aware that there might be other types of workers–the kind Jesus was actually praying for. Derek’s book sheds valuable light.

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