Why Are So Many Souls So Hungry?

Why Are So Many Souls So Hungry?

With so many churches doing so much great stuff, why are still so many souls so hungry for the living Christ? Cheryl McGrath writes about this beautifully in this article from her blog “Bread for the Bride”. I pray that it touches you.

How Can One Have Peace In This?

How Can One Have Peace In This?

How can one have peace when facing cancer? How can one have peace when a loved one is hurting? How can one have peace when alone and isolated? How can one have peace when homeless? How can one have peace when separated from loved ones? How can one have peace when misunderstood? How can one have peace when all seems lost and overwhelming? How can one have peace when all capacity to meet one’s needs is removed? How can one…

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Haystacks and Harvest

Haystacks and Harvest

This is a photo I took on our recent road trip. I took the photo because it reminded me of a dream I had once. In my dream I saw something similar to this; a field full of gathered hay stacks, wound with string, ready for collection. After I had the dream, I felt the Lord was showing me the hay stacks represented small bodies of saints beginning to gather and meet all over the world. The small groups of…

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Why Did God Want A Family?

Why Did God Want A Family?

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number…” (Genesis 1: 28) I have never had children of my own. It’s not because I haven’t wanted to; the timing was just never quite right. At times I have really wanted to start a family. As I was preparing to write this post and contemplated the question of why God wanted a family, I asked myself ‘why did I want a family?’  In answering that question, I…

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What Is God’s House Like?

What Is God’s House Like?

For the month of January, the awesome dudes on 3rdrace.org blogged about ‘God’s House’.  It was part of a series they’re doing pertaining to God’s Eternal Purpose – (God having an ultimate intention, desire and passion for obtaining a house and a family for the Father, a bride and a body for the Son and a temple for the Holy Spirit). For the month of February they are focussing on God’s desire for a ‘Family’ as the next part in this series and I will be…

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How Far Did Jesus Go?

How Far Did Jesus Go?

In the 1980’s a band known as The Proclaimers had a hit called 500 Miles. They sang “Well I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more, just to be a man who’d walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door…da da da…” It was a type of love song telling of a man’s devotion to a woman. Well, Derek and I just drove 5003 k’s to get to our current destination in Perth, WA (Western Australia) and set…

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Christ Our All

Christ Our All

Well folks, it’s been a few weeks since I posted a blog. That’s because Derek and I have been packing, packing, selling, cleaning, moving out, moving my mother, visiting family, and more packing! We have moved out of our rental house, we’ve moved mum to my sister’s place into a new little portable granny flat which she is renting, and Derek and I have been sleeping at my sister’s place for a week, with Rocky the shitzu of-course! Tomorrow we head off…

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How Can We Know The Power of Christ’s Resurrection Life?

How Can We Know The Power of Christ’s Resurrection Life?

  That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death…(Philippians 3:10) What a beautiful and rich desire Paul had and what a powerful indicator this verse is, of where our lives as believers ought to be headed. There’s two aspects of this verse that I would like to write about and I’ll do it as a two- part series.  Firstly, ‘The Power of His Resurrection’ and secondly, ‘The…

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What I Didn’t Know About Body-Life

What I Didn’t Know About Body-Life

Body-life. What the heck is that? I’m pretty new to true body life and have only been experiencing it for four years with a very small body of saints. That is between 3 and 7 of us, over those four years. And so this post might be of more value to those of you who perhaps are not yet able to be part of a larger body of believers. Perhaps you only meet with one to six or so other…

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Why Did Jesus Die At Age 33?

Why Did Jesus Die At Age 33?

This is a question I’ve pondered many times in my life.  As I’m getting to know the Lord, I’m coming to understand that there is a reason behind every aspect of Him even if I don’t know what it is yet.  Every part of Jesus’ life on earth and every part of everything that God does, points us back to Himself in some way.  So ever so briefly this morning, I pondered again, why did Jesus die at age 33? So…

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