Journal #5 – What God Has Accomplished Through Christ (Based on Ephesians 1:3-14)
Praise Me! See who I Am! Be blown away by Me! Be breath-taken!
I God, the God and Father of Jesus Christ, have blessed you. I have favoured you. I have showered you with Myself in heavenly realms! That’s right, in heavenly realms and with every spiritual blessing – that is everything spiritual that you need, every piece of goodness, everything that is of Me is…..in Christ!
Everything that is of Me is in Christ My Son and has been given to you through Him. For I chose you, I handpicked you, yes – you, in My Son before I even created anything. I chose you to be holy and righteous just as We are, as I Am, to be blameless in My sight. And I did this in love!
In My love for you I had already intended and determined that you were to be adopted into My family as My sons, that I might love you just as I do My Beloved Son. And all this was to be done through Jesus. This was My pleasure, our pleasure! I loved doing this! It pleased Me to do this! It was My pleasure and good will to love you no differently to how I love My Only Begotten Son, who is now your Brother. I have done this by My grace, through this Son Jesus, whom I love. I did it through Him.
I have given you so much through My Son. Forgiveness, redemption, all through Him. I’ve done this in My wisdom and understanding. This is how I have poured out My love upon you.
I have made known to you My eternal purpose! It used to be a mystery but now you see and understand that it is My greatest pleasure and My greatest desire that Jesus Christ should be Lord over all things in heaven and earth and that one day everything will be summed up in Him, My Christ.
When you heard the gospel, at that point your predestination from before time and outside of time, entered into time – and when you believed into My Son I marked you as My own. I did this by sealing you with My own Spirit, the Spirit that Jesus Christ and I share together. Our Spirit is the deposit in you and upon you, that declares you are Mine and therefore guarantees your inheritance in Me as My child, as My possession, to keep you until redemption is complete.
Can you not see how great this is and how your hearts should be filled with praise? Have I not captured your hearts? Have I not left you speechless and in awe? Have you not been captivated by My Son through whom I made all of this possible?
Dear Reader.
Do you hear the love that the Father and Son have for Oneanother? Do you hear and see the beauty of God’s Holy Spirit pouring out their life and love to and for and from Oneanother? Do you see their Oneness?
Do you see your place in God’s heart? Do you see the place of the church in the heart of God? How essential we are to Him and His purpose! We were never an afterthought or a mistake to be fixed, though fixed we now are again in Christ because of the fall. That is not how we started. We were always in the heart of God.
One thought on “Journal #5 – What God Has Accomplished Through Christ (Based on Ephesians 1:3-14)”
“When you heard the gospel, at that point your predestination from before time and outside of time, entered into time – and when you believed into My Son I marked you as My own”.
Amen! This really ministered to my heart today! Thank you, Donna.