My Updated Site and How To Overcome Language Barriers
Welcome back to my updated site!
Thank you for your patience in waiting for the new site to come up, I really appreciate it. It was off line for quite a few weeks and I’m still working on a few things but I’ve made it across to Bluehost and although it certainly hasn’t been a cut and dry process, we’re here. Safe and sound. There’re still a few more tweaks for me to work on over the coming weeks so you might see a few more changes as we go along.
I want to thank you so much for your prayers for the safe transfer of the site. It is a scary thing especially when you really don’t know what the heck you’re doing. There were a number of times I feared I had lost the whole lot. Six years worth. And during those scares I had to turn to the Lord and be prepared to let it go. Let it go into death. But I remembered certain ones of you were praying for this site transfer and so I was quietly confident even in my concerns, that God would protect it and this experience was more about me walking with Him through the process. Praise God, He saw fit to keep it and so now I can press on.
As I was dealing with a whole bunch of technical support people from both Bluehost and WordPress, through the process I realised the obstacle that we face when we don’t know the right language to communicate clearly. When we don’t know the language we can be giving all sorts of misdirections and receiving all sorts of messages that we think mean one thing but actually mean another. It can get very confusing and exhausting making things take longer than they need to and creating more problems to overcome. It is so important for us in the body of Christ to understand that we also face this same issue amongst ourselves.
If you know my story at all, you’ll know that over the years I have moved away from traditional church expressions such as the meeting on a Sunday in a building called church and listening to someone called a pastor or minister while I sit passively amongst the congregation in plastic chairs or pews facing something called a pulpit. As you may know, I now meet with other saints in an organic expression that is altogether different and I have come to know Jesus Christ in an altogether different way, as the centre and Head over His church where every member functions. (Gosh, what I just wrote just doesn’t even touch the surface but will have to do for now).
The thing is, I notice how when I am with other saints (believers) from all different religious expressions or backgrounds, we all speak different ways. We use different language to express God, our christian walk, the life of the church. And if I’m not careful, if I’m quick to judge, if I think I am better or higher than others, or simply if I don’t just listen with my heart, with my spirit, I’ll conclude that we are almost from different planets! Our language can be so different from one another even in the body of Christ that we can divide and separate over this. We can judge one another as wrong, as faulty, as immature or as someone who just doesn’t ‘get it’ and so on. Our language barriers can be a real obstacle to the love of Christ and the life of Christ amongst His body members.
So with that thought in mind I’d love to encourage all of us to listen to one another with our spirit, with our hearts, not with our language, our words, our phrases. If we can put all those things aside we might find we are actually on the same planet, we are actually still one body, members of one another in the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. And in actual fact, that Christ Himself is our language. We can learn to speak Christ when we are together with other saints if we love one another first. If we have love one for another. That love that always believes the best. That keeps no record of wrongs. That love that is patient and kind and rejoices when good wins out. That is our language folks.
Sure, we have our differences as we are all in different places and not all of us see the same things or interpret things in the same way but ultimately we who are in Christ are joined together by His Spirit and we are members of this One New Man. So may Christ be our language when we are with other believers who use different words and phrases than we do.
And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and was raised again. So from now on we regard no one according to the flesh. Although we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come!…(2 Corinthians 5:16-17).
2 thoughts on “My Updated Site and How To Overcome Language Barriers”
Great job on the new site! Christ and you have done it! We are so very proud of you, dear sister. And are always so impressed and encouraged by what our Lord is accomplishing in and through you. All of His best to you and to our precious brother, Derek.
Thank you brother! So much! We love you both immensely!