A FREE Gift for the Body of Christ
Hello blog readers!
I am very excited to announce that in early September 2021, my FREE eBook entitled To the Young Believer, will be released.
To the Young Believer, is written to new Christians. The purpose of the book is to help newborn believers come to know the Lord Jesus Christ deeply, right from the beginning of their Christian journey. I believe it will benefit readers of any age because of its simplicity in language and the analogies drawn upon to reveal spiritual truths.
The book offers support for the young believer while unveiling the enormous adventure that now awaits them.
This new title will cover the following;
– Clear steps on how to explore the boundless relationship between Christ and the believer
– Practical assistance with ways of knowing the Lord intimately
– Easy to understand explanations to reveal spiritual realities using everyday examples
– Insights not commonly taught in the modern institutional church setting
– Tools to assist with growing strong roots for ongoing spiritual growth
Initially, To the Young Believer will only be available through Google Play because they will accept a listing sale price of $0 whereas Amazon stipulates a minimum price of $0.99c. However, I can get around that with your help as I don’t want you to pay anything!
So, please be sure to read the future post that will give instructions on how you can help to get it listed for $0 on Amazon as well, if you would be so kind to help make this a reality.
The eBook will also be available as a printable PDF and I am hoping that sometime in the future it will be available in a paperback version, too.
On a personal note…
It is a tragedy to me, that the Church contains many believers who have been Christians for ten, twenty, thirty, forty years, who hardly know the Lord at all. Having been one of these myself right through to my early forties (and now 14 years on, feel I have only just started), it has long been my desire to affect other believers towards seeing this living, enormous, glorious, life-altering Christ! And so, it is my hope that as one reads the eBook, and practises the simple helps suggested throughout, a much bigger Christ will be discovered and the reader will be better equipped for the way ahead.
If there is one thing the world and the Church is going to need as things are evolving on this planet, it is a generation of saints who really know the Lord. We are in great need of Joshua’s and Caleb’s, Deborah’s, Paul’s, Peter’s, Priscilla’s and Aquila’s. We need more Watchman Nee’s, Theodore Austin Sparks’, Jeanne Guyon’s, Michael Molinos’, Francois de Fenelon’s, Andrew Murray’s and DeVern Fromke’s. I know many of you agree.
I praise God for these ones and others like them (some I know personally) who have lived surrendered and abandoned lives that have given room for Jesus Christ to be expressed through them. As a result, others like me have been able to eat and drink of Him through their lives. These are the ones who have learned to give up their own lives and embrace the cross as the means by which God can have His way in them for His own purpose. These are the ones whose lives have borne fruit for others so that I and many others can taste the Lord and be encouraged toward Him, to grow up in our salvation. Thank you Lord, for these precious saints.
Long have Derek and I been praying for such a generation among the youth to step into history and take heaven by force, as Jesus states in Matthew 11:12;
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has been treated violently, and violent men take it by force (NASB)
The violent take it by force.—The Greek noun is without the article, “men who are violent or use force.” The meaning is determined by the preceding clause. The “violent” are men of eager, impetuous zeal, who grasp the kingdom of heaven—i.e., its peace, and pardon, and blessedness—with as much eagerness as men would snatch and carry off as their own the spoil of a conquered city. Their new life is, in the prophet’s language, “given them as a prey” (Jeremiah 21:9; Jeremiah 45:5). There is no thought of hostile purpose in the words.
The world doesn’t need a church full of mixture, or lukewarm believers. Neither does it need entertainment and niceties. There is no need to take the kingdom of heaven by force if that is all the Church has to offer the world – the world could take it or leave it. No, the world needs a Church full of saints who themselves, are taking heaven by force, as a result of walking by the Spirit, being led by the Spirit as the sons of God. And I believe this comes through knowing the Lord Jesus Christ deeply in an inner way.
Remember the parable of the Sower?
When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. Matthew 13:19-21(NIV)
We have probably all witnessed or even been part of the zealousness and energies of youth toward knowing God, none so great as during the Jesus People movement in the late 60’s and early 70’s that spread across America affecting other parts of the world including Australia, at the time. Sadly, this enthusiasm for knowing Jesus with such vigor and community spirit in one’s youth, is often quenched by those who are supposed to be more ‘spiritual’ (just have a read of the gospels and the book of Acts). In the guise of being offered more spiritual guidance, many young people who were once filled with fire and faith, have been silenced and dulled to a weak flicker in a row of plastic chairs in a hall, one day a week.
We need to help our newborn Christians, young and old, to grow roots! Deep ones.
A generation of radical, sold-out, bold and courageous saints, will be ones that truly know their Lord deeply and know Him richly in their spirit. They won’t be taken by traditions and empty philosophies of men. They will be discerning and filled with faith and courage. They will be separated as the wheat from the chaff, and the world and the Church needs them to be. God needs them to be! – for His Eternal Purpose to be fulfilled. I’d sure like to be one of them, even at the age of 54!
So, it is my deepest hope and prayer, that To the Young Believer, may be even the smallest contribution to help nourish the next generation of believers, to help save them from years of empty religion and to point them to Christ as their greatest and deepest love. Hopefully, this little eBook will offer some level of spiritual milk (please Lord, let it be so) for the newborns, that they might grow up in their salvation, into the fullness of Christ together with all the saints. For the glory of God our Father.
Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, 1 Peter 2:2 (NLT)
Stay tuned saints,
In Christ our All.
8 thoughts on “A FREE Gift for the Body of Christ”
What an amazing blessing and gift this will be to the church.
Feeling such love from the Lord that He would get you to write this book to the body 🌸🌸🌸
Thank you sister! Such encouraging words 💕💚
All the very best with this new venture, Donnalee!
Thanks Erroll!!
I eagerly look forward to being among the first to read To the Young Believer, dear Sister. A book I wish had been handed to me as a newborn saint before encountering the institutional bait-and-switch. His very best to you and Derek.
Oh me too Jay. I so wish the same thing. And so hope and pray this helps some of those newborn babies. Much love to you guys as always ☝️
This is a much needed guide in the body today and really looking forward to reading.
All blessings in Him Sister.
I hope it can be of some help to somebody, even one. Thank you Patrick and God’s blessings as always upon you and yours.