Peace In Turmoil

Peace In Turmoil

Hi all,

Here is an encouraging scripture verse for all of us right now;

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3, NKJV)

What an enormous promise we have in this verse. I pray that you are all standing in that perfect peace that is yours, during these current turbulent times worldwide. Even though keeping our minds on God at the moment may be challenging, because of the overwhelming amount of information and uncertainties we are facing concerning our future, isn’t it wonderful that we can turn to Christ in us at any time, and He will enable us to keep our minds fixed on our God? And why do we do this? Because no matter what is happening in our lives and all around us, our trust is in Him, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Prince of Peace.

A friend told me that when he was recently facing a particularly harrowing situation, he heard a little voice in his ear ask, “So, who are you going to trust now?” Needless to say, the voice wasn’t coming from a friendly source. However, ever so brilliantly, my friend’s instant response was to look straight into the face of his Lord, and say “I’m going to trust in You, Jesus”. I love that story. Whenever I am feeling a little shaky these days, I often turn my heart to the Lord and repeat those very words; I’m going to trust in You, Jesus.

He is trustworthy.

If during this time you are fortunate enough to be able to meet with other saints in one way or another, it is good to share Christ together, and not just discuss the current global circumstances surrounding the pandemic, government rule, and associated topics. Focusing on Christ and sharing His life together when we meet is a wonderful way to have one’s eyes lifted to a heavenly perspective. When world issues are so consuming, it is very important for us to lift our gaze and help our brothers and sisters to do the same. This is part of our mutual edification and sets our hearts and minds in the right place.

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. (Colossians 3:2, NKJV)



Stay safe, and keep looking off unto Jesus, the Author, and Perfecter of our faith. And again, remember saints;

Perfect, absolute peace surrounds[a] those
    whose imaginations[b] are consumed with You;
    they confidently trust in You. (Isaiah 26:3, The Passion Translation)









8 thoughts on “Peace In Turmoil

  1. Peace in turmoil. A much needed word for such an evil day. Thank you dear Sister.

    We are so looking forward to enjoying your new book with the Lord Who wrote it with you.

    The absolute best of Christ to you and Derek.

  2. That excerpt from your book definitely left me wanting more…SO SO true. And it can undermine one’s confidence in our early Christian lives when we don’t have the fuller picture. Looking forward to reading the whole book.

    1. Thank you for that encouragement Nicky. What a difference it would have made if I knew then what I know now. So glad for the opportunity to share ❤️

  3. Thank you Donna for sharing.

    I absolutaley love Is 26:3 – Such an uplifting scripture that has helped me on many occasions. The passion translation makes even more uplifting.

    Concerning your upcoming book, I believe it is a needed resourse and really looking forward to it. I am already thinking we should start a conversation for possible translation into Kiswahili, our local dialect for young believers that are not able to read english.

    Thank you for your part in serving the bride of Christ.

    1. Thank you for this encouragement Patrick. Yes the Passion translation of this verse is very beautiful. I would very much like to have that conversation about translation of the book. So I will email you privately. Blessings to you and all yours, in the peerless One.

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