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Tag: Christian Singing

Why Do Christians Sing?

Why Do Christians Sing?

I have had this topic and content stirring in me for a long time. In fact, for years now. I have wanted to do it justice and have taken my time with it. The question I am asking us to consider is why do Christians sing? But more specifically, why do you, the reader, and I sing when we are with our sisters and brothers in the Lord? Or you could flip the question by asking, why don’t we sing?…

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Peace In Turmoil

Peace In Turmoil

Hi all, Here is an encouraging scripture verse for all of us right now; You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3, NKJV) What an enormous promise we have in this verse. I pray that you are all standing in that perfect peace that is yours, during these current turbulent times worldwide. Even though keeping our minds on God at the moment may be challenging, because of the overwhelming amount of information and uncertainties we…

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