Do You Want a Better Life?

Do You Want a Better Life?

You, LORD, are greater than the greatest wickedness, than the greatest evil; You are always greater.

Evil has been intentionally weaving its plan for destruction for many decades. It has been placing itself in our parliaments and governments to influence policies to cause the breakdown of society in order to weaken the nations. Its intent is to ultimately overcome the nations under the rule of wickedness, and there is no doubt as to the nature of these things.

But the ultimate final outcome of this long term sinister plan and its implementation will be the rising up of God’s people. It will be the strengthening of the legs and arms of Christ’s bride for war, for battle, the strengthening of her heart. It will be for her beautification, her triumph, her victory. It will be for the glory of God, and the ushering in of the second coming of our Lord.

Jesus already crushed the head of the snake beneath His heel. Regardless of the masterminds behind the evil we see and the spirit behind them, Christ is Victor, and we share in His victory; we are more than conquerors. We shall place our feet upon our enemy’s neck.

A great distinction, clear and precise, between righteousness and evil is the inevitable outcome headed our way. We are the display of the overcoming eternal reign and rule of the kingdom of God in Jesus Christ shining in the darkness. We are priests unto our living God. We are Christ’s hands and feet, His mouthpiece. We are His outlet. We are His administration, we are His government. We perform His duties; we carry out His policies, and we are His influence through the love, mercy, and expression of God in Him.

Our weapons are not carnal but are mighty in the power of the One we serve. Where there is hate, we will love with the love of the Lord. Where there is fear, we will show courage and bring comfort because our faith is strong. Where there is war, we will endure for the peace of Christ to be known. Where there is injustice and abuse, we will bring truth, kindness and healing in the name of our King. Where there is bitterness and violence, we will bring wisdom, forgiveness and tenderness through the expression of Christ. Where there is persecution, we will stand.

That’s why we cannot love our lives. If we love our lives, we won’t love His life fully; we will love it a little, we will love it a lot, but not fully. If we love our lives we will fail. We will be weak, we will crumble, and we shall not triumph. It is imperative that as the body of Christ, we learn to love His life over and above our own.

Lord, change us. Do the transforming work in each individual saint for us not to love our own lives. Cause us to willingly give them up, to not defend them, clamour or grasp after them–to see the glory and the wonder of Your life–of You being lived out through us. Cause that to be our highest delight, to see You expressed, Your reign and rule being evident and manifested. Have Your way in us, for Your name’s sake. Amen.

The Lord sat as King at the Flood; Yes, the Lord sits as King forever. The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. (Ps 29:10-11)

2 thoughts on “Do You Want a Better Life?

  1. Beautifully and powerfully put, Donnalee! It reminded me of the old hymn (1816-74) by John Bode, “O Jesus, I have promised To serve Thee to the end; Be Thou for ever near me, My Master and my Friend; I shall not fear the battle If Thou art by my side, Nor wander from the pathway If Thou wilt be my Guide.’ The hymn is too long to quote fully but worth reading to the end. Warm greetings from Africa.

    1. What a wonderful old hymn! I haven’t heard or sung that since I was a young girl. Thank you for that reminder, Erroll and warm greetings to you and yours as always.

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