What if I’m Scared?
I have a friend who packed up from Australia and went to live in Ireland with his new wife at the time. I have another friend who has recently left Australia to live in the United States to be with her new husband. I know others who left homeland and family in South Africa to live in Australia. I have an Uncle & Aunty who left Australia on many occasions throughout their lives to live in other countries, as missionaries. I have cousins who left Australia to live overseas for different lengths of time and who eventually have landed living in different states of Australia from where the rest of their family still lives. Other cousins have also moved interstate. Even my own mother lived in Canada for two years. All these moves have been for different reasons – careers, relationships, adventure, education, opportunity, even mission work etc. That all seems very acceptable, courageous and very exciting, doesn’t it?
But what about me and Derek? Why are we moving interstate, and to the one furthest from where all our family live? There’s nothing wrong with our lives here in New South Wales. Derek has a steady job. I am on a carer’s pension. My widowed mum is cared for, I don’t have to worry about who will look after her and if she’s safe and happy. We rent a reasonable home. Our kids are here, only an hour away. Our first grandson is on his way into the world. My only blood-sister and brother-in-law are only 15 minutes away. Friends I’ve had for years, all live here. My Dad’s grave is here. All my old haunts are here. Everything is familiar.
What’s more, the body of believers we do life with as part of an organic expression of Jesus Christ, is awesome. Many times over the last almost 4 years, I think each one of us could have given up and walked away. It has been a long, hard road learning to live together out of Christ’s indwelling life and meet under His Headship instead of the old ways of religion and man-made tradition. Yet, God has been so faithful in teaching us and growing us together that now we have really come into a season of newness in the Lord and every time we are together it’s like going for an awesome ride in God’s River! We long to be together, we are sharing Him together almost daily and He is increasing in our lives both individually and corporately. It’s what each of us have been wanting for so long. (Of-course we understand the church goes through seasons and things will change again, but for now it is the season of Spring!)
So why on earth would we be leaving to live on the other side of the country?
I guess sometimes God puts something in our heart that on some level, that is the level of faith, the one level that matters, is undeniably from Him.
We wait, we test it with time to see if it diminishes or grows. We see if He confirms it through others. And once it is proven to be Him and not out of ourselves, we align our will to His and make our plans accordingly.
Then on other levels, or should I say times of doubt and fear, the same thing doesn’t make sense at all and we get all ‘earthly’ about the matter.
We’re not leaving for another 19 weeks and I’m already homesick.
Derek and I believe God wants us to move to Western Australia to be part of the body of believers there, that have been planted as an organic expression of Christ in Perth. Are the believers there any more special than the body of believers here? No. Are they more special to us than our own blood? No. But we believe God has called us to go there for a time, and so go there we must. Just exactly what is the full purpose of this in our lives we expect will unfold in due course. But for now, this is all we know.
I’m caught between faith and fear at the moment. Faith and sentiment. Faith and dependence. Faith and familiarity. Faith and obligation. Faith and comfort. Everyone and most everything around me is starting to look and feel different as my heart is preparing itself for separation.
I know that as a human, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, as a step-mum and as a step-grandmother, I will be homesick. The grieving has already started and it is all very unfamiliar territory up ahead. But I have the absolute assurance in my heart, thankfully also confirmed by the saints we fellowship with, that this is God’s call for us at this time.
The thing is, we as believers, are called not to live as though we are citizens of this world. We are called to have our eyes set on things above and not below. Does this mean we don’t love, care for and enjoy the people in our lives? Not at all. We are called to love! But we are called to love God above everything else. Sometimes we are even called to leave our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, land, houses, for His sake. We are called to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.
Have you ever felt God has asked you to leave family and home for His sake? I know some of you have, and have stepped out in faith and obedience to that call and I am greatly encouraged by your journey. I pray that mine and Derek’s journey will be a strength and encouragement to others in time.
Please pray for us and our loved ones during this time of transition, that the Lord in all His faithfulness and goodness will bring forth fruit for His glory.
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. (Isaiah 26:3)
In closing this post, I have a song clip and lyrics to share.
I rarely turn on the radio when I’m driving but yesterday I did for some reason. This song started playing that I’d not heard before and it spoke into the very state that I’m in right now, as described above. The song is called ‘The Fighter’ by Keith Urban and featuring vocals by Carrie Underwood.
In the song, I pray you’ll hear the voice and heart of the Lord as He answers the cries of His Bride’s heart. I am always amazed how the Lord touches us and speaks to us through so many different ways.
4 thoughts on “What if I’m Scared? ”
Amen to all that !! At least you’re still in the country Donna 🙂
Yes so true Tony. I know you know what I’m talking about brother 🙂
Whatever you forsake, leave or sacrifice for His kingdom will be worth the pain. Its ok sister to be afraid, His strength will be made perfect in that. He will show up in a million faces and a hundred hands that will reach out and lead you onto the next step. He will draw you with His love and the giving up will be a joy when you are receiving more and more of Him.
I promise you that when you look back, you will only see His amazing grace and mercy that got you there. This journey will be one that He will prove Himself yet again faithful. Look out for the little blessings. Your home is ultimately in Him. Nothing will be the same but it will be Christ and He never changes.
We are cheering you and Derek on. You are loved and you are in our prayers.
Thank you for being a faithful face and a hand that led me on my journey.
Thank you so much my dearest sister in Christ. Your journey has been such a source of comfort and strength and I thank God for His mercy and grace in allowing me to know you during that time of your life. What a blessing you are and what a blessing He is to me through you. Thank you for your most encouraging words of truth and Life. x