Karate Kid – “Not Everything Is As It Seems”
The recent Netflix series Cobra Kai has sparked alot of interest for 80’s fans of the Karate Kid series, of which Derek and I are two! We have really enjoyed seeing many shadows and types of the Lord and His church in the series (though unfortunately there is always at least a little ‘muck’ mixed in with modern scripts). However, the series harkens back to the deeper messages of the Karate Kid movies in many ways. I’ve been touched again at how the Lord trains and teaches us, His church – as seen in the sensei/student relationship portrayed through Mr. Miagi’s teachings that have been passed on to Daniel as a grown man running his own dojo.
One point that stood out to me in particular was when Daniel approached a lone fisherman whom he felt resembled Mr Miagi. The fisherman said something along the lines of “You only need to put the bait in the water and those who are hungry will come looking for it”. I took great comfort and encouragement from this.
In 2014 I posted on the original Karate Kid movie and so thought I would re-post it here today. Please click on this link. If you missed it, I hope you enjoy and see something beautiful of the Lord and His ways in it.
Have a great week.